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Vlad II Dracul

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

Vlad II (c. 1393 – December 1447), kent as Vlad Dracul ("Vlad the Draigon"), wis a voivode (duke) o Wallachie. He ringed frae 1436 til 1442, an again frae 1443 til 1447. He wis the faither o Mircea II, Vlad Călugărul, Vlad Ţepeş (kent as "Vlad the Impaler" an aw), an Radu the Handsome.

Aw fower o his sons wad at ane time rule Wallachie. Vlad Tepes wad gang on tae become ane o the maist notorious rulers in history.