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Tome, Miyagi

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

Tome (登米市, Tome-shi) is a ceety locatit in Miyagi Prefectur, Japan.

Previously a destrict consistin o aicht touns, on 1 Aprile 2005, they, alang wi the toun o Tsuyama umwhile o Motoyoshi Destrict, merged tae form a new ceety. As o 2010, Tome ceety haed an estimatit population o 84,070 an a population density o 157 bodies per km². The total aurie wis 536.38 km².

Umwhile touns an veelages[eedit | eedit soorce]

Frae the umwhile Tome Destrict, Miyagi

Frae Motoyoshi Destrict

Transportation[eedit | eedit soorce]

Train stations[eedit | eedit soorce]

Major roads[eedit | eedit soorce]

Sister ceeties[eedit | eedit soorce]

Freemit airtins[eedit | eedit soorce]
