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Rudolf, Croun Prince o Austrick

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Airchduke Rudolf
Croun Prince o Austrick;
Prince Ryal o Hungary an Bohemie
Born21 August 1858(1858-08-21)
Laxenburg, Austrick
Dee'd30 Januar 1889(1889-01-30) (aged 30)
Mayerling, Austrick-Hungary
BuirialImperial Crypt, Vienna
SpouseStéphanie o Belgium
IssueElisabeth Marie o Austrick
Full name
Rudolf Franz Karl Joseph
FaitherFrancis Joseph I
MitherElisabeth in Bavarie
ReleegionRoman Catholic
SeegnaturAirchduke Rudolf's signature

Rudolf (21 August 1858 – 30 Januar 1889), who wis Airchduke o Austrick an Croun Prince o Austrick-Hungary, wis the heir apparent tae the Austro-Hungarian Empire frae birth. In 1889, he died in a suicide pact wi his mistress, Baroness Mary Vetsera, at the Mayerling huntin lodge.[1] The ensuin scandal made internaitional heidlines. He wis named efter the first Habsburg, Haly Roman Emperor o 1273 [2]

Teetles an styles[eedit | eedit soorce]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. As documentit in several autograph letters bi the twa unfortunate lovers ANSA newsbrief (in Italian)
  2. Timothy Snyder (2008) 'The Red Prince, p.9. ISBN 978-0-465-00237-5