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Marie Anne de La Trémoille, Princesse des Ursins

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Marie Anne de La Trémoille
Princess Orsini
"Princesse des Ursins"
Marie Anne de La Trémoille, Duchess o Bracciano, attributed tae Nicolas de Largillière.
Full name
Marie Anne de La Trémoille
Paris, Fraunce
Dee'dDecember 5 1722 (aged 80)
Roum, Italy
BuiriedSaint Jean de Latran, Roum
Noble faimilyLa Trémoille (bi birth)
Talleyrand (bi first mairiage)
Orsini (bi second mairiage)
Spoose(s)Adrien Blaise de Talleyrand, Prince o Chalais
Flavio Orsini, Prince Orsini
FaitherLouis de La Trémoille, Duke o Noirmoutier
MitherRenée Aubery
Thriftnoblewoman, spy, diplomat

Marie Anne de La Trémoille, Princesse des Ursins (1642 – December 5 1722) wis a French noblewoman born intae the La Trémoille faimily, she mairit in Februar 1675 she mairit Flavio Orsini (1620-1698) Prince Orsini, head o the Hoose o Orsini, Prince o Nerola an Duke o Bracciano, but known as the Prince Orsini. As a result o the mairiage she wis kent as the Princesse des Ursins in Fraunce, an as Princesa de los Ursinos in Spain. She is known for her being the de facto ruler o Spain frae 1701 until 1714 as a lady-in-waiting tae Queen Maria Luisa[1] she also haed great influence over the queen and wis considered tae be her favourite. She wis also a friend o Madame de Maintenon. She wis also present at the birth o The Prince o Asturias in 1707[2]

Faimily[eedit | eedit soorce]

A dochter o Louis de La Trémoille (1612-1666), Marquis then Duke o Noirmoutier[3] an his wife Renée Aubery, hersel a dochter o Jean Aubery Seigneur o Tilleport. Her younger brither wis Louis Alexandre de La Trémoille, Marquis o La Trémoille. Another brither wis Antoine François de La Trémoille (1652-1733), Duke o Royan[4].

First mairiage[eedit | eedit soorce]

Marie Anne de La Trémoille, wis first mairit aged 15 in 1659 tae Blaise de Talleyrand, Prince o Chalais[5] who wis killed in a duel. They haed no childer.

Seicont mairiage[eedit | eedit soorce]

Then, in Februar 1675, she became the princesse des Ursins (the French form o her husband's faimily name o Orsini. Her husband wis Prince Flavio Orsini (1620-1698). Prince Orsini, head o the Hoose o Orsini, Prince o Nerola an Duke o Bracciano an with close connections tae Roum an the Catholic kirk. She wis widowed in 1698 but her husband left the Duchy o Bracciano in his will. They haed no childer.

References an notes[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. first wife o Keeng Philip V
  2. future Keeng Louis I o Spain
  3. Kent simply as Noirmoutier .
  4. friend o Louis de Rouvroy, Duke o Saint Simon an builder o the Hôtel de Noirmoutier in Paris
  5. (circa 1638-1670)

Ither wabsteids[eedit | eedit soorce]

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