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Kirkpaitrick Juxta

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Coordinates: 55°17′39″N 3°26′46″W / 55.2942°N 3.4461°W / 55.2942; -3.4461

Kirkpaitrick Juxta Kirk near Beattock

Kirkpaitrick Juxta is a pairish in the historical coonty o Dumfriesshire in Dumfries an Gallowa, Scotland. It lies on the A701 road atween Biggar, Muffat, an Lockerbie. The pairish straidles the A74(M) motorwey. It is maistly a rural pairish. Its name means "the launds neist til the kirk o Saunt Paitrick".

The pairish kirk wis biggit in 1798-9 and designt bi John McCracken. It wis remodelt an gien a new inby in 1875 bi James Barbour.[1]

The pairish includes Beattock railwey station, sections o the River Annan, an Queensberry Hill.[2]

The ruins o Auchen Castle (kent as Auchincass Castle an aw) lies in the pairish.[3]

Namely residenters[eedit | eedit soorce]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]