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Irish general election 2016

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The Irish general election 2016 haupint on the 26t o Febriweer 2016. The main ootcome is the loss o votes fur the twa pairties in pouer an the gain fur ither pairties. There wis a lang process o govrenment formation whaur the end ootcome wis the umwhile mucklemaist pairty, Fine Gael, takkin the heid o the govrenment alang wi a puckle o independents. This wis makkit oot acause o the Fianna Fail owerseein the new govrenment.

Ootcome[eedit | eedit soorce]

Parti Voix % +/- Députés +/-
Fine Gael 544,140 25,5 Decrease 10,6
Fianna Fáil 519,356 24,3 Increase 6,9
Sinn Féin 295,319 13,8 Increase 3,9
Labour Pairty 140,898 6,6 Decrease 12,8
Anti-Austerity Alliance–People Before Profit 84,168 3,9 Increase 1,7
Social Democrats 64,094 3,0 -
Green pairty 57,999 2,7 Increase 0,9
Renua Ireland 46,552 2,2 -
Workers an Unemployed Action 7,452 0,3 Decrease 0,1
Independent Alliance 88,930 4,2 -
Independants 242,016 13,0 Increase 0,9
Total (participation : 65,2 %) 2,136,405 100 158 Decrease 8