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Central Savanna Province

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The Central Savanna Province athin Cundinamarca.

Central Savanna (Spaingie: Sabana Centro) is ane o the fifteen provinces o Cundinamarca, locatit in the central aurie o the depairtment, it haes 11 municipalities. The Province Caipital is the ceety o Zipaquirá. The municipalities are: Cajicá, Cogua, Cota, Chía, Gachancipá, Nemocón, Sopó, Tabio, Tenjo an Tocancipá.

Geografie[eedit | eedit soorce]

North: Ubate Province; Wast: Rionegro an Wastren Sabana; Sooth: Bogotá, District Capital; East: Guavio Province; Northeast: Almeidas Province;

Rivers[eedit | eedit soorce]

Central Sabana is crossed bi the Bogota River an Cauld River (Rio Frío).

Demographics[eedit | eedit soorce]

The maist populous urban centers are Chía an Soacha.

Freemit airtins[eedit | eedit soorce]