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Ayumi Suzuki

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Ayumi Suzuki (鈴木歩) is a Japanese perfaisional Go player at Nihon Ki-in.[1][2]

Achievements[eedit | eedit soorce]

Year Notes[1][2]
2001 Obtainit perfaisional player license bi the female player examination. Promotit tae 2 dan in the end o this year.
2003 & 2007 Obtainit the Female Champion title (女流最強位).
2004 Qualifiit tae the NHK Cup Tournament.[3]
2008 Challengit tae Xie Yimin for the Female Honinbo title (女流本因坊). She an aw representit Japan at the Warld Mind Sports Gemmes in Beijing.
2009 Qualifiit tae the challenger determination league for the Female Grand Master title (女流名人).
2010 Representit Japan at the Asian Gemmes. Promotit tae 5 dan at the end o this year.
2011 Finalist at the pair Go championship. She wis an aw qualifiit tae the championship tournament at the Dragon Star (竜星) title.[3] Due tae thir records, she wis promotit tae 6 dan at the end o this year.
2015 Challengit tae Xie Yimin for the Female Grand Master title (女流名人).
2017 Qualifiit tae the main tournament o the Tengen (天元) title.[3][4]
2020 Defeatit Asami Ueno an obtainit the Female Buird Master title (女流棋聖). This is her first title syne 2007. She wis an aw the finalist at the Female Tachiaoi Cup (女流立葵杯)[5]

Notes[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. a b Ayumi Suzuki at GoBase
  2. a b Ayumi Suzuki at Sensei's Library
  3. a b c Only few female players have accomplished this status
  4. She wis the 10t female player tae obtain this status.
  5. Her opponent wis Rina Fujisawa.

External links[eedit | eedit soorce]