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Scots Spellin Comatee

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(Reguidit frae RRSSC)

The Scots Spellin Comatee (19961998) attemptit tae estaiblish a mair staundart spellin system for the Scots. Thay wrocht the Report an Recommends o the Scots Spellin Comatee or RRSSC.

Members[eedit | eedit soorce]

Comatee members wis:[1] (Nov 1996 - August 1998)|

See forbye[eedit | eedit soorce]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. Mensefu Scots Spellin for ti lairn an be lairnit. Report & Recommends o the Scots Spellin Comatee (PDF). scotslanguage.com (Report). Retrieved 30 August 2020.